Clara Mosconi

A voice means this: throat, chest, feelings

KHM Gallery

fri 17-20

sat 17-20

sun 17-20

The Danish artist lives and works between Copenhagen, Malmö, and Athens, embedded in research about voice, loss and language. 

Her work often shapes as spatial sound installations where text, sculpture, and performance take part. Specifically interested in the underheard aspects of language, Mosconi works with an ever-changing framework of theory, mythology, and real-life narratives in order to disclose what we fail to hear due to society’s heavy focus on the visual. 

A voice means this: throat, chest, feelings is an exhibition that brings the peripheries of language to the fore. It is an attempt at reconfiguring what it means to communicate by rehearsing excess language through a new system of signs: the paralinguistic index. Through 32 speakers, a voice will strenuously improvise, practice, and repeat the paralingual index and expose the uncertain intricacies of language.


Bitoi - Cassius Lambert, Alexandra Shabo, Lise Kroner & Anja Tietze Lahrmann


Coby Sey