Dungeon Acid, Cucina Povera,
Synd, Sofie Birch, and The Elektron Team
The sonic smörgåsbord that is Elektron Super Sekvens is coming to Intonal Festival. Get ready for an evening of live music as Dungeon Acid, Sofie Birch, Johanna Knutsson (cancelled due to illness), Cucina Povera, Synd, and The Elektron Team bring their own distinctive audio flavors together to create a unique real-time collaborative performance. These artists will sometimes take the spotlight, and other times share it, melding together the varying tones, beats, and melodies into a one-off – and at times improvised – experience, full of electronic and acoustic instruments.
Dreamed up and puzzled together by Gothenburg-based electronic drum machine/synth brand Elektron Music Machines, Super Sekvens had its debut in January at Gothenburg Film Festival, helping lead the opening night’s festivities into the early hours of the next day.
Cucina Povera
The Helsinki-based Cucina Povera is the solo project of sound artist and composer Maria Rossi, focusing on the marginal and the observational. The repeated motifs in her work are an uncanny testament to the beauty of banality, infused with the mysticism of everyday life and a love for accessible sound sources like creaky tenement floors, boiling kettles and leaky taps – stories told by means of cheap and rudimentary equipment. Like in the titular practice of peasant cooking, Rossi takes simple ingredients and makes a stylistically resourceful, spontaneous hermeticism.
Sofie Birch
Sofie Birch is a sound artist and producer creating lush ambient releases, live shows, and DJ sets. With electronic hardware and field recordings, she conjures melodic compositions that are produced with a sense of brightness and spirit encouraging its listeners to dive into themselves. She has a keen interest in the healing nature of sound and vibrations, which she conveys through her music, performances, and radio mixes.
Gothenburg-based art-pop band Synd debuted in 2020 with a self-titled album and have become a regular feature of the city's underground live scene. Their unconventional mishmash of influences– including punk, dub, synth, and drum ‘n’ bass – are boiled together with lyrics that range from the personal to the universal, profound, confessional, pessimistic, and socially critical. With sax, drum machines, percussion, plonky synths, a distorted guitar, and countless effects, they have, in their own words, “taken it upon themselves to accompany the seven horsemen of the apocalypse and drown them in delay” – and they sure have fun doing it.
Dungeon Acid
Dungeon Acid is a solo vehicle for Jean-Louis Huhta to collapse a variety of sounds and genres into one another, inducing relentlessly hypnotic beats and melodies, often with an acidic touch. It makes for an infectious soundtrack whatever the time of day. Unsurprisingly, he has an eclectic background, playing with The Skull Defekts, Lucky People Center, and Anti-Cimex, as well as composing music for several dance works and international exhibitions and installations.
thu/big stage 22:00-01:00